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Trick to Activate your Facebook Timeline

Facebook recently added a new feature called Timeline, a timeline of your Life on Facebook.From the very day you joined Facebook, it shows your profile in a new look where you can see your very first post, comment or any photo you were tagged in.
Concluding, its your Facebook Biography...:P

See more about Timeline.

Since presently, it is available only for Facebook Developers, i have brought a trick which can get your Facebook Timeline activated in no time. Here's the procedure.

2. Click the "Apps" button on the blue bar( and if asked give the "Developer" app permission to access your information).

3. When you are redirected to another page Just Click on "Create New App".

4. Enter an "App Display Name" and an "App Namespace". This is as per your wish because no one is going to see that :-) .

5. Check mark the "Platform Privacy Policy" box to agree to it and then Click "Continue".

6. Ignore all the content of the page you are directed to and Just Click the "Open Graph" button on the left side.

7. You should arrive at a page which suggests that you get started with Open Graph.

8. Write in some kind of action(example "Read") and object(example "Article") and(choice of action and object is as per your wish, but don't leave it Blank) Click "Get Started".
You will encounter about 2 to 3 pages more, just click on Continue or Ok or Save or whatever similar options you get.

9. Just wait for some time(In my case, it took 3 minutes) and you are DONE.

10. Now go to your Facebook Homepage(facebook.com/home) you should see a message offering you the chance to enable your Timeline.

11. Enable it and Enjoy. :)

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