Rupeemail – Get paid to read mail
Rupeemail ( is the first Internet company in India, who entered into << get paid to read mail >> arena. Here is my review.
There are many companies who are operating in the domain of get paid to click popularly known as PTC (Paid to click) websites. In these kind of websites you receive a mail which pays you defined amount if you open the link contained in the email and view the advt for certain defined time frame say 30 second.
All those website are targeting global users and I have seen the first company of such kind in India some 2 year back named I will not say this website as other known PTC website because it differs in certain parameters and follow stringent parameters to save their brand name from getting spammed.
Excerpts from the website
Why you should join RupeeMail?
- Get paid to open your mail : You receive the face value amount of the stamp instantly when you open RupeeMail
- RupeeMail is easily distinguishable from spam : A suffix of “RupeeMail – Rs.” in subject line of RupeeMail sets it apart from all other mails.
- RupeeMail is safe because it is sent by verified senders : Only verified and authenticated senders are allowed to send RupeeMail.
- Redeem your earnings by Cheque any time : Simple one step process to redeem your earnings by cheque.
- Option to donate your earnings to charity of your choice : Simply select the charity of your choice to donate your earnings.
- You decide what to receive & what not to receive : You will receive RupeeMails only in your prefered email categories of products and services .
You don’t get paid to open the mail, Instead you get paid when you open the link contained in the mail. You will receive a mail from rupeemail or directly from advertiser containing rupeemail stamp which will denote how much you are going to get paid for opening the link.
One more point, many people has asked me if Rupeemail is a scam. I know the feeling of individuals who are getting scammed by many operators in these arena but let me assure you that this is not a scam. You earn very little with these programs but it pays to be with them and you are not going to get scammed. Moreover its free to join unlike other clickbank programs
I also made a note of the fact that I have not received any complaint in terms of payment issues or spamming.
There are two main reason to join the network
- To know the promotion going on in your area of interest (Even if you are not bothered about getting money)
- To make money for receiving email (better than receiving spam and not getting anything
Referral Network: They are also running launch offer where you can particiapte in referral program and get paid Rs. 2 for each registration.